So we are all wanting to save money here and there with the economy the way it is, but you don't want to give up your homebrewing. There is a solution, you can save some money by buying ingredients in bulk. Most homebrew clubs will do bulk buys maybe once every other month depending on how often members brew.
- I can buy 8 lbs of Rahr 2-Row Pale Malt at a homebrew shop for $1.34/lb. If you don't have LHBS nearby you have to add shipping, and the cheapest online is $7.99. That takes the LHBS malt to $2.34/lb.
- The local homebrew club is doing a bulk buy and I can get Canadian 2-Row (different brand I know) for $0.49/lb, and with fuel surcharges and shipping it can come out to $1.00/lb or less depending on how much is bought (the more bought lowers the shipping cost).
- I can get malt from a Malt Supplier, right now I can buy 13.75lb of Rahr 2-Row for $0.89/lb. The drawback here is that I am limited to buying 1/4, 1/2, or full sacks of malt. That is only what they have in stock as well.
- Bulk buys through the supplier are in full sacks only. You can split with another brewer, but YOU have to buy the full sack. This comes to $0.532/lb ($26.60/55lb sack).
As you can see, the malt supplier is the best choice. Even with buying by the in stock 1/4 sack (13.75 lbs or 12.5lbs) you are spending between $12.24 and $11.13, respectively. Comapred to the LHBS you would be spending $18.25 to $16.75, respectively.
Now if you can plan ahead, you can order from the supplier (a full sack) and pay $26.60, but you save $0.358/lb, so your 13.75 lbs would really cost you $7.32 which is a savings of $4.92! If you brew once a month, that is a savings of $59 on 2-Row ALONE! Now add in your other base malts and some of the specialty grains, and you could hit $100-$200 easily. Thats enough to pay for that new keggle you've been wanting, or to buy your wife that new purse she has been eying.